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ALLEZ FRANCE! It is easier than you may think.

ALLEZ FRANCE! It is easier than you may think.

All readers and City types thinking of a property purchase in France can get really expert advice this month, when French and English property experts give you all you need know. Whether you want to know more about the buying process for ski or sun resorts or are considering an investment, property experts Leggetts are in town showcasing  the best new-build, leaseback and freehold properties in ski resorts and nationwide.

You can visit this  free seminar in London. Joining our English-speaking experts to include Leggett owner-founder Trevor Leggett.

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Seminar programme will include:

  •  Introduction to buying in France
  • Leaseback and New Builds, from a legal perspective
  • Managing currency and the exchange rate
  • Free wine and canapes

To Book your ticket, Email


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