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The Amadé region, less than an hour from Salzburg airport, is certainly Ski Easy territory, but the lift map in their publicity is a bit of a con because it implies that its 25 resorts and 860 pistes are all linked up – which they are certainly not. The Amadé region, less than an hour from Salzburg airport, is certainly Ski Easy territory, but the lift map in their publicity is a bit of a con because it implies that its 25 resorts and 860 pistes are all linked up – which they are certainly not. 

For sure they look incredibly close on the map but in some cases you have a half-hour drive from one area to another – so beware. There are five ski areas in Amadé, the biggest being the St Johann, Wagrain, Alpendorf three valleys area. Then half an hour’s drive away you have the Gastein valley, with three resorts and 120 miles of piste. A further 20 minutes’ drive to the east of the centre of it all, Radstadt, is the Schladaing circuit which is linked to half a dozen small resorts. Each of the aforementioned big areas has enough skiing, mainly for cruisers, to keep you happy for a week, so the big area pass might be an extravagance as you’d be unable to ski even half of it.

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Austria Amade

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