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Equipment Summer storage

Equipment Summer storage

Is your ski gear lying around rusting or gathering dust? Here’s ski guru Terry Bartlett’s top tips on how to care for your equipment.

Don’t pack your ski equipment away without taking care of it first! And then your gear will be ready to use when next winter (or a summer glacier trip) comes around.

Summer Ski Servicing

1. Service your skis before you put them away, either yourself or at a reputable ski servicing workshop. This will make sure any damage is repaired in plenty of time and they’re protected and ready for use.

2. After service ensure you get a storage wax – a thick layer of unscraped wax, which also covers the edges. This protects the bases from drying out and the edges from going rusty. All you’ll need to do before your next holiday is scrape off the wax and your’e ready.

Ski Storage…
3. Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight – under a bed or the back of a cupboard works well.

Boot Notes

1. Make sure your boots are completely dry. Moisture gets trapped between the liner and the shell – pull out the liners and make sure the liner, shell and footbed is completely dry before putting them away. If you have custom footbeds: remove these and let them dry separately. Dry everything next to a radiator overnight, or in an airing cupboard.

Don’t leave liners on top of a radiator, they will get too hot!

When you re-assemble your boots ensure…
2. The footbeds are sitting flat in the bottom of the boot liners with no creases.

3. The tongue of the liner is properly sitting inside the cuff, not twisted or caught on the plastic shell.

4. Do up the buckles lightly to hold the boot closed – helping to keep the materials correctly in shape.

Before you pack your boots away, check –
5. All the buckles, screws etc. are still secure.

6. Heel and toe pieces are not showing excessive wear.
Call the shop to order replacements if necessary.

Boot storage…
4. Store in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight – Try not to store boots in either very cold or very warm places, as it weakens the plastic. Attics and garages are not appropriate. Mice tend to think that boot liners make excellent houses, so don’t leave them in the shed either! Again, under a bed or back of a cupboard is ideal.

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